sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Let me try one more time

       I’ve been trying for like two weeks to deal with an oral presentation related to entertainment that I had to do at the Institute where I’m studying. However, for several reasons I wasn’t able to do so due to a sequence of unfortunate events (such as bad internet connection, or my computer did not match the projector’s USB port, among others). So, as I am a big fan of this TV Series and I feel that I owe it to it; I will try to talk about it here and to tell you why it is so important for me.

       I’m talking about FRIENDS. For those who don’t know, Friends is an American Tv Series which hit the screen in September 22nd in 1994 and it lasted 10 seasons, releasing the final episode in May 6th in 2004. The series final was watched by around 52.5 million American viewers, making it the fourth most watched series finale in television history and the most watched episode of the DECADE!

       In the first episode called “The Pilot”, Rachel Green (portrayed by Jennifer Aniston) flees her wedding day since she realizes she doesn’t want to get married and she seeks out her childhood friend Monica Geller (played by Courteney Cox), who’s now a professional chef. They become roommates and Rachel also becomes friends with Monica’s. Monica’s social circle consists of Joey Tribbiani (Matt Le Blanc), a struggling actor, womanizer and a food lover; business professional Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry), who has a really sarcastic sense of humor; professional masseuse and eccentric musician Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), and newly divorced paleontologist Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), who’s also Monica’s brother and has a huge crash on Rachel. The six of them usually spend time at Central Perk, a coffeehouse or at Monica and Rachel’s apartment. Episodes usually depict the romantic adventures, family and career issues of the characters and how they face them.
      When I was younger, I couldn’t go to a private institute to study English since I went to a double-shift school, so I didn’t have time. So all I did was watching movies, listening to songs in English and watch TV series so as to grab new words or english terms. Friends was really helpful for me since the language they use is obviously “street language”; the language they use every day, the kind of language English native speakers speak, which differs enormously from the language we learn at school, for instance. So not only did I have fun watching Friends but also I learnt a lot!
Another reason why I love FRIENDS, it’s because it depicts really controversial issues but it does it in a funny yet respectful way. For instance, Ross used to be married to Carol who later on finds out that she is a lesbian and starts dating another woman. They both rear Ross and Carol’s son and they get married. In the 90s, there were Anti-Gay politics such as no gay person could take over any political position and obviously they were not allowed to get married. Also, in 1998, 21-year-old gay university students Matthew Shepard was beaten into a coma and tied to a fence, where he would not be discovered for 18 hours. Shepard’s skull had been cracked and he never regained consciousness and died a few days later due to his severe injuries. Hence dealing with same-sex marriage on a Tv sitcom was very controversial. However, since it was treated from a funny viewpoint and it was dealt very respectfully, people were not reluctant to watch FRIENDS and they did not even criticize it.
 FRIENDS not only makes me laugh and teaches me English, but also teaches me that:
-we need friends to grow with and to learn from. When Rachel first arrives to the city she is very spoiled and self-centered but her friends teach her that she is not daddy’s girl anymore, that she is and adult and that she needs to work to become more independent. That’s what friends do, they take care of us;
-no matter how many weaknesses or flaws we may have or how many good or bad choices we make, a true friend will always BE THERE FOR YOU;
-the companionship, comfort and support you get from your friends are the perfect antidotes to the pressures of life.

So I’m very lucky that I have the best friends anyone could ask for! Dani, Cinn, Vani and Cin.. I love you and thank you for accepting me the way I am and for helping me to be a better person. Cinn and Cin, I will love you even more if you start watching FRIENDS ;)

Information retrieved from:

Pictures retrieved from Google.-

7 comentarios:

  1. Finally you were able to talk about your fave show everrr!!!
    I'll try to watch some episodes. I've watched some that you have showed me and they're hilariuos!
    xox see you soon!

  2. Great post Mai!. I also LOVE Friends!!!. What's not to love about that show? Every episode is a masterpiece. I can watch each episode individually and even if I´m seeing the same episode for 100th time, it'll still make laugh as hard as the first time. Besides every character is lovable. Also this serie has 'the element of magic' in it. You flow with emotions with each one of the character. You laugh with them, you cry with them, you sing with them, you dance with them. And as you say, Friends teach you what is the importance of friends in life, how they eventually become your family. What relationships are and how complicated and messy they can be and at the same time how fun are they. In all Friends was the best thing that ever happened to the world of TV, it might not be the highest ranked or rated show but it rules hearts of million!

    1. Yey! another fellow fan! so glad to read your comment! thanks!

  3. After watching the episodes you showed during the presentation, I want to watch more. I hope i can do it when I have some spare time. As regards the positive influence of a series, I know what you mean. I also started learning English through movies and series. They allow us to watch a product that is enjoyed by native speakers, which makes us feel good. In addition, as you say, we learn many expressions and words that are not taught when learning a language at school. I believe watching series is a great way to complement what we learn at school.
    PS: My brother read your post and said: "Decile a tu compañera que es una copada." As you may have guessed, he is a fellow fan of the series.

    1. Yes!! Start watching Friends! you wont regret it! And you have to be proud of your dad, he's the greatest!
      hahaha xo

  4. I promise I'll watch "Friends" but just because of you! haha. After what you told us about the serie and the values it promote I think it's worth watching. You have demostrated me that friendship has a miraculous force that can cure even the most wounded heart. You are the most beautiful people I've ever met, and the force to continue on despite the difficulties. I love you so much and I'm thankful for the wonderful moments we've spent. I'll start watching Friends right now! haha. Love ya!
