sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Forever and Ever

 I know that probably I’m supposed to write about different topics every week. But I just can’t. I only have one thing on my mind.

Last ten days have been the worst in years. Since the very first moment we learnt about Vani’s accident, everything changed. Some days we felt hopeful, even when the doctor’s reports were not that encouraging. Some other days we were scared to death, because we could not stand just the thought of losing her.

On Sunday, the doctor told us that there was nothing else to do, just praying. “How can they say that? How is it possible that there is nothing to do to save her or to make her better?”. On Monday the doctor said that she was “stable” (word that I hate) so we felt hopeful again. Sadly, on Wednesday morning our loved and dear friend left us.

I’ve already experienced difficult losses before, such as my dad’s. However, this time it was different.  Vani is one of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege to meet. She was funny, smart, witty, a loving mother and caring friend and a family person. She was very responsible and extremely sensitive and a fighter. It’s so unfair that we won’t be able to share our lives together! She won’t be on my wedding day, she won’t see me becoming a mother and she won’t be around to give Cinthya bad advices (haha).

My shrink used to tell me that I can always find something good out of the bad. Even though it may seem impossible to do so in a situation like this one, I’ve realized that is of paramount importance to establish priorities: family and friends should always be first in our lives. Also, that we must seize every day, every moment, every second since we do not know which one is going to be the last. In addition, I’ve realized how lucky I am to have friends like Cintia, Dani and Cinthya (not that I had not known it before). They have been very supportive through all this and even though they are in as much pain as I am, they try to stick optimistic and to remember Vani with a smile on their faces and to bring back good memories.

It’s devastating to think that Vani won’t be able to see Sele, Fermín and Tomi growing up. However, Vani with her great and big heart has built beautiful friendships and now these three kids have aunties and uncles that will love and take care of them.

I’m not supposed to talk of Vani using the past tense; she was only 30 years old, she was not supposed to die so soon. However, she has left us and with her she took a big piece of our hearts and she left an enormous hollow in our souls. I’ll always remember her, I’ll cherish in my heart all the precious moments we shared and I’ll love her children as much as I loved her.

I love you Vani, forever and ever!

(I’d like to finish quoting García Márquez:

“Si supiera que hoy fuera la última vez que te voy a ver dormir, te abrazaría fuertemente y rezaría al Señor para poder ser el guardián de tu alma.
Si supiera que estos son los últimos minutos que te veo, te diría “Te Quiero” y no asumiría, tontamente, que ya lo sabes.
Siempre hay un mañana y la vida nos da siempre otra oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien, pero por si me equivoco y hoy es todo lo que nos queda, me gustaría decirte cuanto te quiero, que nunca te olvidaré.
El mañana no lo está asegurado a nadie, joven o viejo. Hoy puede ser la última vez que veas a los que amas. Por eso no esperes más, hazlo hoy, ya que si mañana nunca llega, seguramente lamentaras el día que no tomaste tiempo para una sonrisa, un abrazo un beso y que estuviste muy ocupado para concederles un último deseo.
Mantén a los que amas cerca de ti, diles al oído lo mucho que los necesitas quiérelos y trátalos bien, toma tiempo para decirles, “lo siento” “perdóname”, “por favor”, “gracias” y todas las palabras de amor que conoces.
Nadie te recordará por tus nobles pensamientos secretos. Pide al Señor la fuerza y sabiduría para expresarlos.
Finalmente, demuestra a tus amigos y seres queridos cuanto te importan").

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