sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


According to the MacMillan Dictionary, disappointment "is the feeling of being unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected" And as regards the same dictionary some synonyms of disappointment are sadness, depression, grief, desolation and the list goes on and on. However, can these words actually describe what you (or I) feel when someone let us down? How would you describe how sad you feel after you abruptly and unexpectedly learn that someone you care about and love is not the person he/she pretended to be? Is it enough to say that you feel like a thousand knives are piercing your heart and soul and that your stomach is twisting to such an extent that you feel like throwing up? Is it enough to say that you feel like a dry desert under the blistering heat of the summer because you have no more tears to shed? In my opinion, it’s not enough since feelings cannot be put into or expressed using words. Typically, you meet someone and after spending some time with her/him, you realize that you have feelings for that person. You carefully test the waters to check whether those feelings are requited or not and if they are, BOOM! You are in a love relationship. Done. Natural process. Now you are almost sure you know this special someone, you think of that person as the only person in the whole world that would never, EVER hurt you but then: BOOM! again .. she/he says something, or worse: DOES something that makes you feel that you don’t even know that person anymore. “What happened? What did I do wrong?” These and a million more questions come to your mind while you are trying to understand how you could have misunderstood something or you blame yourself for ..moving too fast? “That couldn’t have been it” –you say to yourself, but you are not that sure. You think how you could have been so happy once and so insignificant and miserable now. And sometimes you even try to convince yourself that someday he/she will wake up, see the light and show up out of the blue at your door. But he/she doesn’t. Because she/he has moved on, and you haven’t. No matter how many new haircuts you get, how many pounds you shed, or how many vodkas you drink “to forget”, you still go to bed looking for answers.And after all that disappointment, all that grief and that misery, soon or later, you’ll meet new people, you’ll hold on to those who have always stood beside you and you’ll feel worthwhile again. And even though it’s a downer to fall in love with someone and then find out that he/she "is not as good as you expected" him/her to be, in time you’ll learn to let things go so as to let new and better things in. One door closes, another one opens.A few months ago I read somewhere on the internet this phrase retrieved from a film: “WE HAVE THE LOVE WE THINK WE DESERVE”. Back then it didn’t mean that much to me, but today that short and simple line means the world. If I love myself enough to believe that I deserve the best, I’ll have the best. So, are you aiming for the best? Or are you settling in for leftovers?
PS: This post is dedicated to the loved ones and the unloved ones, whoever you are, HANG IN in there! Love can fade, love can be lost BUT also it can be found ;)  

1 comentario:

  1. Mai, how sadly you depict dissappointment! I've experienced those sensations and feelings and yes, it's awful. Nowadays people are becoming so sceptic precisely because some values like respect, loyalty, kindness, etc. are so blurry that make us not to trust in love. It's getting more difficult to think of commitment, marriage, to bet on someone forever. But hey! Let's not lose hope! The same way someone important can become a complete stranger, an unknown person can become invaluable for you! After the rain comes the rainbow and life is full or surprises! :)
