viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Love Life - ALL LIVES!

               I could not help but crying after reading what happened yesterday at Ciudad de La Punta, San Luis, Argentina. A few days ago, a pregnant female dog was found wandering in the street and one of the members of ASOECO (Asociación Ecológica por el Derecho del Animal) built a precarious shelter until it gave birth to six beautiful and healthy little puppies. The mum along with their babies were being taken care of by a group of loving kids and one member of the organization. However, yesterday afternoon, two 12 year-old boys put the puppies inside a plastic bag, hit them with a wooden stick and then burnt the puppies alive together with the mattress that a family had donated for the new mother.                 What a heart breaking news! How can a 12 year-old-boy be so mean? It made my blood boil! ASOECO people were devastated. However, this was not it. Of course such event provoked lots of comments of insensible and mindless people who suggested to "burn the boy alive to see if he enjoys it" or that "the boy shoud be treated as an adult and sent to jail". Also, some people wanted to burn the boy's house in protest for what he had done. Needless to say, ASOECO was against these sayings and its members begged not to do anything agains the law.
               It stands to reason that Im completely against animal killing in general, and against this event in particular. In addition, ASOECO is an association that aims to encourage people to love and protect animals and respect their rights. Hence it's inconceivable of ASOECO "supporters", people who allege to love and protect animals to boost others to infringe upon human life, upon a little boy's life. It's just so contradictory, it's just so wrong! Obviously, this little boy must be immersed in a family violent environment and he should be treated by a professional and not burnt alive! Or is this the Medieval time where people get back at each other: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?. So much the world has evolved and how fast it is devolving as well!
              Despite of all this horror and mean comments, ASOECO wrote beautiful words on her Facebook that I'd love to share with you: "We are here to make a change, to teach children and adults to love and protect LIFE, not to cause any harm, but to be and teach people how to be better"
               To conclude, the mother of the six puppies is waiting for a family to adopt her. If you are interested in giving her a home a lots of kisses and love, you can contact ASOECO. Here I provide you with the link of their facebook account:

The beautiful mother with her six puppies.

3 comentarios:

  1. I will be absolutely sincere with you, when I saw the images on facebook and read the first words of this piece of news, I just couldn’t finish reading it. I am extremely sensitive and I don’t know how to cope with these types of news. It is absolutely devastating for me! We, human beings, are so mean!!! Luckily I deprive myself from making any graphical idea of that heartbreaking issue... Poor puppies! However, it doesn’t surprise me at all! There are so many violent news about killings or tortures that it only makes me think that we are abominable! Our minds are horrible! I believe that something has to be done with people that do harmful things... and here I give you three options that I believe can be efficient: Try to make him/her realize that he/she is acting in a hazardous way and try to change the context in which that person lives, see if he/she has any psychological problem and try to treat it, and separate him/her from society. I am a big fond of the saying: “Una manzana podrida pudre a las demás”.

    1. Even though I agree with you in the sense that it was a horrible event, I don't think that one of the solutions would be "separate the kid from society". What I strongly believe is that we, adults, should make ourselves responsible for the consequences that our actions have on children's behaviour. I don't know the reality this kid have to face everyday, but his behaviour may reflect what he has learnt. All of us know that children copy our thoughts and actions, and that they tend to behave according to the way they have been raised.
      Besides, we, as future teachers, should promote respect, acceptance and love, so as to learn to live in society and reach social integration.
      In the same way that a rotten apple may affect the ones around it, a good action can have an effect on someone's heart.

  2. I strongly agree with your opinion, Maitén. It happened the same to me when I read about it on Facebook. However, the first thing that came to my mind wasn't that the boy is mean or a bad person, but actually another victim. Of course, what he did is completely unacceptable, but it's not that common to hear about a kid doing this kind of actions. What is more, generally children love animals and they rarely dare to hurt them. Evidently, there's something in the kid's environment that has affected his behaviour in such a cruel manner.
    And what really shocked me were the comments of those "adults" that claim to respect life, but at the same time recommended to burn the kid alive. That is even worse!! You can't expect to get rid of violence by means of violence, it's contradictory!! If we support respect and love for life, for all lives (as you said), we must be coherent and act in the same way we think.
