sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


According to the MacMillan Dictionary, disappointment "is the feeling of being unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected" And as regards the same dictionary some synonyms of disappointment are sadness, depression, grief, desolation and the list goes on and on. However, can these words actually describe what you (or I) feel when someone let us down? How would you describe how sad you feel after you abruptly and unexpectedly learn that someone you care about and love is not the person he/she pretended to be? Is it enough to say that you feel like a thousand knives are piercing your heart and soul and that your stomach is twisting to such an extent that you feel like throwing up? Is it enough to say that you feel like a dry desert under the blistering heat of the summer because you have no more tears to shed? In my opinion, it’s not enough since feelings cannot be put into or expressed using words. Typically, you meet someone and after spending some time with her/him, you realize that you have feelings for that person. You carefully test the waters to check whether those feelings are requited or not and if they are, BOOM! You are in a love relationship. Done. Natural process. Now you are almost sure you know this special someone, you think of that person as the only person in the whole world that would never, EVER hurt you but then: BOOM! again .. she/he says something, or worse: DOES something that makes you feel that you don’t even know that person anymore. “What happened? What did I do wrong?” These and a million more questions come to your mind while you are trying to understand how you could have misunderstood something or you blame yourself for ..moving too fast? “That couldn’t have been it” –you say to yourself, but you are not that sure. You think how you could have been so happy once and so insignificant and miserable now. And sometimes you even try to convince yourself that someday he/she will wake up, see the light and show up out of the blue at your door. But he/she doesn’t. Because she/he has moved on, and you haven’t. No matter how many new haircuts you get, how many pounds you shed, or how many vodkas you drink “to forget”, you still go to bed looking for answers.And after all that disappointment, all that grief and that misery, soon or later, you’ll meet new people, you’ll hold on to those who have always stood beside you and you’ll feel worthwhile again. And even though it’s a downer to fall in love with someone and then find out that he/she "is not as good as you expected" him/her to be, in time you’ll learn to let things go so as to let new and better things in. One door closes, another one opens.A few months ago I read somewhere on the internet this phrase retrieved from a film: “WE HAVE THE LOVE WE THINK WE DESERVE”. Back then it didn’t mean that much to me, but today that short and simple line means the world. If I love myself enough to believe that I deserve the best, I’ll have the best. So, are you aiming for the best? Or are you settling in for leftovers?
PS: This post is dedicated to the loved ones and the unloved ones, whoever you are, HANG IN in there! Love can fade, love can be lost BUT also it can be found ;)  

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

SPRING: the season of love?

Many people have been desperately waiting for spring to arrive. Why? Because it is considered to be the season of love; especially September is known as the Month of Love. Now I wonder, why is September considered the month of Love and not July, or January whatsoever? Is it because it has been scientifically proven that if you meet someone in September then he/she will be the apple of your eye forever? Is it because the flowers are blossoming and so is love? Is it a fact that you will find love every September of every year or is it just merchandising?

A few day ago I read an arcticle (the bad thing is that I don't remember where) in which it said that September is the month in which allergies "blossom" along with flowers. Hence, I don't see any romaticism in my allergies! I have to blow my nose every two seconds, then it gets red and irritated. Just suppose you suffer from allergies like me and you are on a date at a fancy restaurant. He is asking you about your hobbies and you start feeling your nose kind of itchy and you can sense that something is about to come out from your nose. (No, not here!) So you open your purse, take out the toilet paper you took from your bathroom (because Klinex could be too expensive) and you blow your nose. WOW! That IS certainly very sexy...and super awkward.

In addition, in the morning you get up early to go to work and there is a cold breeze blowing so you decide to grab a coat before leaving home. However, at lunch time it's 29° ....just inside your office, so under that coat it's like 129°! So, what if you have a date after work? You get to the date feeling terrible because you were cold in the morning and hot and sweaty in the afternoon so you've got a running nose and you shake from time to time and you feel your temperature rising a bit. Besides, you cannot wear short skirts ot T-shirts yet because you still look like a white sheet typical of winter time. Awww how romantic September is!

With all due to respect, in my opinion, the month of love should be July or June so you can celebrate with your special one, cuddling in bed, watching a movie and eating pop-corn 

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Love Life - ALL LIVES!

               I could not help but crying after reading what happened yesterday at Ciudad de La Punta, San Luis, Argentina. A few days ago, a pregnant female dog was found wandering in the street and one of the members of ASOECO (Asociación Ecológica por el Derecho del Animal) built a precarious shelter until it gave birth to six beautiful and healthy little puppies. The mum along with their babies were being taken care of by a group of loving kids and one member of the organization. However, yesterday afternoon, two 12 year-old boys put the puppies inside a plastic bag, hit them with a wooden stick and then burnt the puppies alive together with the mattress that a family had donated for the new mother.                 What a heart breaking news! How can a 12 year-old-boy be so mean? It made my blood boil! ASOECO people were devastated. However, this was not it. Of course such event provoked lots of comments of insensible and mindless people who suggested to "burn the boy alive to see if he enjoys it" or that "the boy shoud be treated as an adult and sent to jail". Also, some people wanted to burn the boy's house in protest for what he had done. Needless to say, ASOECO was against these sayings and its members begged not to do anything agains the law.
               It stands to reason that Im completely against animal killing in general, and against this event in particular. In addition, ASOECO is an association that aims to encourage people to love and protect animals and respect their rights. Hence it's inconceivable of ASOECO "supporters", people who allege to love and protect animals to boost others to infringe upon human life, upon a little boy's life. It's just so contradictory, it's just so wrong! Obviously, this little boy must be immersed in a family violent environment and he should be treated by a professional and not burnt alive! Or is this the Medieval time where people get back at each other: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?. So much the world has evolved and how fast it is devolving as well!
              Despite of all this horror and mean comments, ASOECO wrote beautiful words on her Facebook that I'd love to share with you: "We are here to make a change, to teach children and adults to love and protect LIFE, not to cause any harm, but to be and teach people how to be better"
               To conclude, the mother of the six puppies is waiting for a family to adopt her. If you are interested in giving her a home a lots of kisses and love, you can contact ASOECO. Here I provide you with the link of their facebook account:


The beautiful mother with her six puppies.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

A matter of choice

"He may be gone but his music will always remain in our minds and hearts".
"He liked to party and to fool around. And that kind of life has a high cost"
"I tried to get ready for this but it's still very sad. His work will always remain for us to enjoy"
Gustavo Cerati was an Argentinian musician whose success can be attributed to the SODA STEREO band. He was one of the most important icons of Argentinian rock. Also, he toured all around the world representing Argentina and its music with high honours. However, in 2010 a stroking CVA left him unconscious and he remained alive because of life support. Today, September 5th he died after four years of being in the hospital.  His death caused great sorrow to all his fans world-wide and to his family that was always hopeful that he was going to wake up.
His CVA was also a matter of great debate. Many people considered that performing euthanasia on him was the right thing to do whilst others alleged that the singer's family should not disconnect him but wait for him to recover and wake up.
"What would I do if my son, daughter, mum or husband is alive only because of life support? Would I disconnect him?"
"Would I want them to disconnect me if I were in Cerati's position?" Do we really try to put ourselves in the position of the musician's family?
Euthanasia is the action of end someone else's life so as to stop them from suffering. In some countries, euthanasia is legal while in others such as Argentina is not.
However, euthanasia is not about a matter of what is right or wrong, whether is legal or punishable--, it's a matter of choice. Doctors should inform their patients about the possible pros and cons and let them decide what is the best thing to do for their relative or loved one. If doctors fail in taking care of patients, if the political system fails in respecting citizens' rights and their freedom to decide what to do with their own lives, then in what aspects do we have the right or the possibility to decide on?